On-Demand Webinar

What's New in Product Webinar

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What's New in Product

Better word recognition, a .NET SDK, and automatic speech bubbles in your YouTube videos?!  These are just three of the many announcements Mehul Patel, VP of Products covered in the aptly named What’s New in Product. Watch this webinar on-demand to learn about all the latest Deepgram product enhancements, and hear how customers are using Deepgram today. 

In this on-demand webinar, you will learn...

  • All the latest Deepgram feature releases and product enhancements
  • Real-world customer stories on multiple use cases and spoken languages
  • The coolest projects from Deepgram hackathons and what voice experience you might want to explore next

Sign up to access the webinar on-demand!

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Mehul Patel

VP of Products
